A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Evolution RTS is a free an Open Source RTS game designed using the Spring Engine. It has been in development for over 5 years and receives updates often. Its gameplay is designed specifically to appeal to gamers of all skill levels. The gameplay is designed around the use of unit groups, and the mixture of your unit group often will determine how successful you are in battle, as opposed to churning out hundreds of the same unit continually.

The economy and teching system is easy to learn and use. The game itself supplies many tools that make managing your economy easier so that you can focus more on crushing your enemy than of playing simcity in your base. Units interact using realistic physics and varied terrain (you can actually micro units in order to dodge projectiles!).

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Evolution RTS is a continually evolving and developing game; Come and join our community! We love having more people to talk to and play with! Preemptively, welcome to our community!


evolution-rts-source.zip 6.6 GB
Version 18 Feb 06, 2022
evolution-rts-linux64-skylobby.zip 7 GB
Version 47 May 16, 2022
evolution-rts-windows-skylobby.zip 7 GB
Version 88 May 16, 2022

Install instructions

Linux users need to have SDL2 and OPENAL libraries.

Development log